
Behind the scenes of the first Lithuanian fintech – career insights, social activity, employee accomplishments, and various celebrations! Less numbers, more stories.

Paysera is turning 20 and celebrating its key achievements!

It all started with an ambitious goal to create a better way to process payments in Lithuania. 20 years later, Paysera is the leading fintech company in the Baltic countries, operating globally, with 500+ employees working in different countries around the world. The road to get where we are today was full of surprises, and our success didn’t happen overnight – we consistently built it over the years. Perhaps our story will inspire you too!


How remote work impacts the environment

Did you know that working from home just one day a week can reduce your commuting-related CO₂ emissions by around 10% annually? That’s what a 2020 study by the International Energy Agency (IEA) found. Plus, there are several other ways remote work can positively impact the environment – and some may surprise you.


How Paysera nurtures team spirit at its annual Summer Fest

Ever wondered what Paysera’s Summer Fest looks like and what exactly is going on during this special occasion? Here’s a glance from inside. A word of caution before you do: seeing this much fun may make you want to work at Paysera!


AI, payments, and the future of fintech

Back in June, the CEO of Paysera LT, Marijus Plančiūnas, and Deputy CEO Justina Šidlauskienė attended the Money 20/20 conference in Amsterdam. They gained valuable insights about the future trends for fintech, as well as the future of AI and how it will affect the whole industry. We believe that the information shared is valuable to everyone in the industry and we’re happy to share it in this blog post!


Introducing the Paysera POS logo and the story it tells!

Every storyteller needs a voice. Every athlete needs a goal. And every awesome product needs a face. We are, of course, talking about the face of Paysera POS. And by 'face', we mean its logo. We’ve decided that the latest addition to the long list of Paysera product offerings, Paysera POS, needs its very own logo. Keep reading – we’re excited to tell you all about it.


7 creative ways to repurpose old office items

People worldwide are becoming more mindful about buying sustainable products. But did you know you can also help the planet by giving old items a second life? In this blog post, we’ll share fun and creative ways to reduce waste and make the most of your office supplies.


Small steps you can take to make your workplace more sustainable

Mastering sustainability is about changing habits and embracing practices that benefit our planet. And why limit it to our personal lives? Your workplace can be a hub for eco-friendly initiatives, with you leading the charge. We're excited to share what's been effective for us and support you on your journey toward a greener future.


Is Paysera a bank?

It’s a valid question, and we get that a lot. We could give you the short “yes or no” answer, but we suspect that you might be interested in the “why” too. Also, there are a few nuances that are important to explain for you to see the whole picture, so let’s get started!


The power of saying "Thank you" in a company

Isn't it a wonderful feeling when someone truly appreciates your hard work and takes a moment to say “thank you”? There are people who might argue that a paycheque is all the thanks you need for your work. But we beg to differ – a moment of kindness costs nothing, yet it can forge strong and long-lasting work relationships. So, let's discuss our new initiative designed to foster a supportive work environment among employees.


The ultimate fintech jargon dictionary

KYC, AML, API… Sounds familiar? No? Well, then… We understand that sometimes the fintech language seems confusing. And what is ‘Fintech’, anyway? Don’t worry – we explain it all in this blog post. Ready to decode the fintech jargon?


Celebrating linguistic diversity with our multilingual talents!

We want to understand our clients’ needs, and what better way to do that than to speak their language – literally! Swing by our client support centre in Vilnius, and don't be surprised if you're welcomed in one of 6 different foreign languages, or, of course, in our native tongue, Lithuanian. In this blog post, you'll learn about the beauty of being multilingual at the workplace, straight from our colleagues!


Creating your own career story: Marijus’ path to success at Paysera

“A workplace is what you make of it” describes working at Paysera best. Don’t believe us? Then allow us to introduce you to Marijus Plančiūnas – one of our rock stars, recently promoted to Deputy CEO at Paysera. Ready to find out what makes Paysera a great place to grow your career?


Paysera celebrates its 18th birthday and company culture!

Paysera is officially 18 years old now! We’re not gonna lie – it is surreal, knowing that we have reached adulthood. On this special occasion, we want to share Paysera’s progress through the eyes of our people who have observed the company’s journey for quite some time now. Say hello to Paysera’s co-founder and main shareholder, Kostas Noreika, as well as Rasa Gruodytė – head of Paysera’s Sales Unit.


It’s World Mental Health Day: How Paysera does it

Did you know that depression and anxiety disorders are the two most common mental health issues globally? Today is World Mental Health Day, and to shine a light on the complex matter of mental health, we want to share how Paysera helps its employees keep their headspace. Keep reading and learn all about it!


Meet the Paysera office dogs

Furry friends, best co-workers, chief barketing officers, woofer floofers – you name it. An office without four-legged friends around is just not cool anymore. Paysera HQ in Vilnius is proud to be a pet-friendly workplace where dogs are always welcome. In this blog, let’s take a look at some of the most frequent guests!


What’s it like to work at Paysera as a parent?

Are you a working parent? Or maybe you fearfully anticipate being one? At Paysera, around 50% of employees, including those in management positions, are not only great colleagues at work but also proud parents at home. Therefore, in response to the upcoming Mothers’ and Fathers’ Days, we have interviewed some of them and asked about their experience in finding that perfect work-life balance when working in tech.


Earth Day Special: How can my company be greener?

April 22 is celebrated worldwide as Earth Day. For this occasion we wanted to share a few simple tips on how companies can be greener in their day-to-day life without falling into the greenwashing pit or spending millions on sustainability plans. All of the tips are tried and tested in Paysera, as we truly believe that when it comes to the Earth and ecology – every little helps.


Paysera unveils its brand new logo!

Big news! Today, after 8 years, we are proud to present the first and the core element of the new Paysera identity – the new logo. This logo change reflects our vision of moving towards the super app and marks a new start for the company – a fresher, more modern look that carries a message. It is also the first of many other exciting brand updates we're rolling out in the coming months and into next year.


Paysera celebrates Women’s Day with a 50/50 diversity score!

While the global fintech industry is sounding the alarm about a lack of diversity in the industry, Paysera celebrates Women’s Day by being loud and proud about its statistics. As of this year, more than half of the positions in Paysera are held by female employees. Keep on reading to find out more


Paysera offers widescale support in Arabic!

On December 18, the world celebrates Arabic Language day. With thousands of clients from the Arab world, Paysera too wants to congratulate everyone and showcase all the useful content we have in Arabic. So bare with us, or as they say in Arabic – let’s go!


Paysera celebrates its 17th birthday! Read the interview with the team

Birthdays for companies are not that different from those that we celebrate as people. Only 17 years for a person marks still very much a rebellious and early stage. Whereas for a company – 17 years is a sign of maturity, experience, and stability. This year we decided to mark this beautiful occasion by giving a voice to those who stand behind this now mature and fairly well-known name – Paysera. Below you will find a brief interview with a small part of the Paysera team. So, keep on reading 👇


Paysera confirms workations to Mexico and Cape Verde!

After a long break from travelling, Paysera confirms its upcoming workation destinations for 2021 – tens of our employees will soon go to work and travel in Mexico and Cape Verde. Join the Paysera team and become part of the upcoming trips!


Paysera takes off to visit all its offices around the world. On foot

Recently, Paysera partnered with the Walk15 step-counting app and set out to visit all of its 15 offices across the world.


2020: a rally which shook us, but reminded us about brakes

This should have been a year of economic prosperity, the Summer Olympic Games, and the beginning of a new decade. More travelling, more concerts, and even more tourists pouring into the old town of Vilnius. More pessimistic forecasts predicted a slight slow-down in the economy or, in an extreme case, an overheating economy. I remember that it raised concerns. And then the pandemic came.

Vytenis Morkūnas

Fintechs and physical gold? They're compatible, especially now

Paysera’s co-founder and main shareholder shares his thoughts on the coexistence of two things which at first might appear incompatible – online fintechs and the physical gold market.

Kostas Noreika

A brief history of Lithuanian fintechs

To mark Paysera’s 16th birthday, the company’s CEO Vytenis Morkūnas reviews the short yet rich history of fintechs in Lithuania. From the very first payment cards to the first attempts to trade physical gold online – all of it fits into a period spanning no more than 30 years.

Vytenis Morkūnas

Will work from home become the new norm?

Since the public health situation is improving, we can share our impressions about working from home already from our comfy office chairs with an unlimited supply of coffee. And yet we are still left wondering – is this it? Or will this working model now become the new norm?


Remote work: is it a good time to start a new job?

For almost a month now we have been operating an international fintech from home. Nonetheless, the systems are up and running and we are looking for new people. So, if you ever wondered whether it’s a good time to change jobs – we confidently say YES.


Everyone unites to fight the consequences of the quarantine

Since the quarantine was extended, more private businesses join forces and try to help not just their employees but also other people, medics, and NGOs in need. Paysera, too, steps in to ease the crisis.